Hellllllllllllll0 fri1ii13d!!1!11

Late 1890s Magazine marketing ad. https://www.referralcandy.com/blog/old-marketing-examples-from-the-past/ Coutesy of Sears.

This seems to be a replica of the statue of liberty, But why didn't they just put the actual statue in their ad? Were they afraid of copyright?

This is a picture of the round earth, is that a religious statement to them? Why did they show that the text was going around as if it was at a view of a round earth?

  1900s fashion, as told by google images. https://www.familysearch.org/blog/en/1900s-fashion-edwardian-era/. Courtesy of Sunny Morton.

The hats in this photo are way different then regular ones today. The hats are more about looking good than anything, although the functionality worked as well as it should. Why is the woman's hat covered with flowers? Is that for use, like having the sun shining down on it as your walking?

The woman's waist is squeezed in this photo, which is clearly work from a corset. But there are no other wide points in her dress, so where would she keep items? Her oversized hat?

A town named Bandon made in 1873. https://crasstalk.com/2014/04/great-small-towns-bandon-oregon/. No name nor date.

This shop is named STARKBY. What could this shop sell? Maybe 1900s coffee?

Most of the buildings in this town look mainly the same. Is that a trend with most towns in the 1900s? Why is every building so cramped in this town? Was there not enough space for, well spacing?